
What is Copyright?

Copyright is an intellectual property right which arises automatically upon the creation of certain types of original works. The types of work include:

  • Literary, musical and artistic works, such as books, articles, photographs, paintings and drawings;
  • Sound and video recordings; and
  • Website layouts and databases.

Copyright confers certain rights on the owner of copyright, including the right to take legal action to stop others from copying the whole or substantial part of a work, reproducing a work, distributing copies of it, translating or recording it, or putting it on the internet.

The UK Intellectual Property Office does not maintain an official register of copyright but some territories such as China and the USA do have copyright registers and here, registration of copyright may greatly assists with enforcement actions.

Copyright works may also be protected by copyright in other jurisdictions through international agreements.

Our Copyright Services

We have expertise in advising on copyright issues, including licence and assignment of copyright, infringement, ownership issues and copyright registration overseas.

If you would like to know more about our copyright services, please get in touch.